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The Teams

Teams are the way that Heroes group together to achieve a common goal. A Team is valid if is composed from a minimum of three Heroes, to a maximum of six. Teams with less than three Heroes, will still exists but the member of it won't get any advantage, such as they were without a Team.

There are three different figures inside the team. They are:

  • Administrator: Is the Hero that controls the Team. He's the only one who can set the Team Activity and the only one who can accept or refuse new members applications. He can also kick members away from the team and appoint the Team Teacher.
  • Team Teacher: It is a role that is used in some of the Team Activity. He can choose to appoint as Team Teacher another member, including the Administrator. Team Teacher and Administrator are official roles inside the Team, thus cannot be kicked or leave the Team before appointed someone else for their role.
  • Member: Apart partecipating in the Team activities, he can only ask other Heroes to join the Team.

There are essentially three way to partecipate in a Team: create a new one, asking to join an existing Team or accepting an invite from a Team Member. If you're inside a Team, you can invite any free Hero (that means, not in another Team) to join your Team. If you're not in a Team, you can send a request to join to all the Teams present in the game: as soon as a request is accepted, all the others are automatically retired. If your application to join a Team is refused, you cannot send another request to that Team anymore. Anyway, that doesn't mean that you cannot enter anymore in that Team, but you can only do it accepting an invite from a Member of the Team.

Team Activities

Any valid Team has its own activity that gives to its Member a small advantage: that's why being in a Team is convenient. Each Team Activity takes effect during the Hero update. These are the activities a Team can have:

  • Preaching: In this activity, during the daily meeting of the Team, the Team Teacher explains to all other Members the advantages of getting of his alignment, trying to convince them to join his orientation. As a result, all the other Team Members will have their orientation moved towards the one of the Team Teacher. The entity of the change depends on the difference between the orientation of the Team Teacher and the Team Member. This activity doesn't affect the Team Teacher and doesn't work if the Team Teacher is neutral.
  • Feast: Each evening the Team Members have dinner all together, increasing a bit their health.
  • Agora: During the daily meeting, all the Team Members have a walk all together each one speaking of their element. As a consequence of this, each Member has a small possibility of learning a skill of one of the other Team Members. The level at which he will learn the skill, depends on how difficult to learn the skill is (higher the difficulty, lesser the effect). If a Hero has a Master knowledge of the skill "Base tactics" the possibility of learning a skill is higher. In this activity, the Team Teacher doesn't make any special activity.
  • Lessons: The Team Teacher explains to all other members something about his element. As a consequence, each of the Team Member could learn one of the skills of the Team Teacher. The level at which he will learn the skill, depends on how difficult to learn the skill is (higher the difficulty, lesser the effect). If a Hero has a Master knowledge of the skill "Base tactics" the possibility of learning a skill is higher. Doesn't work if the Team Teacher's element is the human one. The Team Teacher loses a bit of health doing this Activity.

What's the difference between Lessons and Agora if in both you can learn a skill from another Member? First thing is that the possibility of learning a skill with Lessons is slightly higher than with Agora. Then the difference is that, if you actually learn a skill, the element of the skill can be any in Agora, while only the one of the Team Teacher in Lessons.


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