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General Index

You hero

On the "Hero" page there is a lot of information about your hero and several settings. In the first box you'll see general information: your name, your element, your teacher, your activity and your fighting settings.

In the next box there are other important information like your health, you orientation, your glory, experience and so on. Always take a look at your health, because it influences all the things you do. When you have high health you will perform better in fight, you will quickly learn the skill your teacher is teaching you and so on. If your health is too low, you won't have much benefit from every activity you make, so it's better to rest a bit.

On this page you can do several operations: set fight settings, set your activity and change teacher.

Changing your teacher from the initial Human teacher will be a good idea shortly, but you have to get some experience first. Once you have the needed experience you can change your teacher here.

Take a look at the activity you're currently performing. There are three main activities you can do:

  • With the Training activity you will slightly increase your knowledge of all the skills that you master and also will increase your health a bit. Skills below the Master level won't be affected by this training
  • With the Resting activity you will increase your health a lot. This is important because health strongly influences all other activities and you won't have much benefit from anything you do if your health is low.
  • If you ask the teacher to teach you a skill, you will greatly increase its knowledge. Other skills won't benefit. You will also lose some health. You cannot learn skills that you master.

Another thing worth mentioning here, even if it does not appear only here but in the whole game, is the Event box you see in your upper right corner. Above that box you see a quick summary of the most important things happening on Hero Master that involve you. If you have organized a fight or a mission, there is a reminder for you. If you have no scheduled fight, but you sent or received some challenges, these are also shown here. And on the bottom you can see the latest events on your diary. In the diary are registered all the things that happened to you since the first time you entered Hero Master: the missions you've organized, the tasks you've accomplished or failed, the report of your daily activity, your fights and so on. Be sure to always check the latest events, or open the page with all the events by clicking on "Show all events" to see a more detailed event list.

The last main thing you have to check on this page, are your fight settings. These are explained in the Fights section of the Help pages.

Check the Fights section now

You can also continue reading the manual and check the fight section later.


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