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The Missions

The best way to improve your experience and your glory, is to solve missions. The announcement for the missions are in the world page. Each mission has a set of prerequisites that you need to have to organize or enter that mission. Mission prerequisites concern experience and glory. Even if you have the prerequisites to start or join a mission, this doesn't mean that you'll be able to complete it.

Each mission has its own leader, that is the Hero that organized it. There is no limit on the number of participants that can join it. Each task has to be carried out by one hero. The leader can choose which hero will carry out each task or, if he doesn't choose anyone, let fate decide who among the participants will do it. The missions advance once a day, in the afternoon (14:00 server time), picking up the next unfulfilled task. If the task ends with a success (the hero chosen for that task fullify the prerequites of that task) the mission go on or it ends it the task was the last. If the task is failed, the whole mission fails and your fans won't be happy, so be careful about it.

The leader of a mission can set the status of the mission to Open or Closed: if it is Open any hero can join it, if it is Closed, no one can join. The leader is also the one who choses which hero will try a specific task. Obviously he's not obliged to assign a task to each hero that has joined the mission: he can also do it all by himself. You have to be aware that only the heroes that have completed at least one task inside a mission, can get glory as a reward for the mission.

There are two types of missions: the standard ones start date in three days from the date in which are organized. In contrast, the easier ones will start as soon as possible, even the same day they are organized. For both types of missions goes that once the mission has been organized, the owner can postpone its starting data at will, allowing time for the participants to get their act together.

If the mission ends in a success, all the heroes that have successfully completed at least one task in it, will receive as a reward an amount of glory up to the maximum that the mission can give. If the glory of a hero is already over the maximum glory of that type of mission, no glory will be awarded, but instead, if it is the first time that the hero accomplishes that mission, some experience will be granted.

Mission's tasks

A mission is divided into one or more task. Each task will take place one per day, since the starting day of the mission. To succefully complete a mission, you have to complete all the task of it. It's enough that one task is failed to make the whole mission invalid. Here below is shown an example of a task.


On the first column is shown the Hero that will accomplish that task. Only the mission leader can choose the Hero that will complete each task. If no hero is chosen, a random Hero among those partecipating in the mission will be chosen when the task will be made.

On the second column there is a brief description of the task.

On the third column is shown the orientation of the task, using a colored symbol:

  • if the symbol is red, the task is evil: the Hero that will accomplish this task will become more evil;
  • if the symbol is cyan, the task is good: the Hero that will accomplish this task will become more good;
  • if the simbol is gray, the task is neutral and no orientation shift is applied to the Hero.

On the columns after the third is shown the list of prerequisites for that task. The list of prerequisite can vary from knowing a skill at a certain level, having a specific level of health, having a particular elmental teacher and others. In order for the task to be passed with success, the Hero trying to accomplish it must have all the listed prerequisites. Failing just one would be the failure of the task and of the mission itself.

World salvage

Each time you successfully complete a new mission obtaining glory from it, you will increase your World Salvage percentage. The increment of your World Salvage progress depends entirely on the missions strategic importance: the higher the importance, the greater the increment. You can see the World Salvage progress in your Hero page. If you solve enough missions and reach 100% in the salvage, you'll get a huge reward and the event will be recorded among the World Events, so that everyone will be notified of this! So you would do well to try to reach this important goal.


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