HelpGeneral Index Fights are a very important part of the game, not only because the ultimate goal of the game is to win a tournament which is, in the end, a sequence of fights. By fighting you can improve your experience, sometimes your glory, and train all your skills. To organize a fight you can search for heroes and eventually challenge them from their page. Some heroes will have set Auto Accept mode, which means that, if challenged, they will immediately accept the challenge thus the fight will be organized in moments. Otherwise you have to send several challenges and wait for someone to accept one. Once a fight is organized, it will take place in three days from the moment the challenge it is accepted. With the Fights settings of your hero, you can choose the tactics you will use during a fight. If you do not set the specific settings for a single fight, your general fight settings will be used. You can choose how much effort you'll put in the fight by choosing the attitude. If you'll choose to "just train" you won't use your skills at full power, but you'll lose less health than normal. If you'll choose to "fight for your life", you'll use your skills a bit above your ability, but you'll lose more health than normal. Consider also that, regardless of the attitude and the outcome of the fight, each fight will cause you to lose a bit of your health. But be careful that if you lose the fight you'll lose much more health than normal, so don't underestimate a fight: it could be better to win a fight playing it normal, than losing a fight because you've chosen to just train. Each time you participate in a fight, you'll use an offensive skill and a defensive skill, which can be the same skill if you want. To understand who wins a fight, three comparisons are made. First the offensive power of your offensive skill is compared to the defensive power of the defensive skill of your opponent, and the same is done the other way around. The third comparison is made using the total value of all your skills and all your opponents skills. In the end a weighted average is calculated, meaning that not all three comparisons are equally important, and whoever made the best overall performance, will win. To understand how the power of a skill is calculated, you have to know that there are several factors that influence it. They are: - The appropriate innate power of the skill (the offensive power for the offensive skill, the defensive for the defensive one);
- The level at which you know a skill. If the level is below master level, a failure can happens, thus the power will be greatly diminished;
- Your health status;
- Your experience and your glory;
- The element of the skill, compared to the element of the opponents skill. For the total value of all skills, the dominant element of the Hero is considered;
- The attitude you've chosen for the fight.
The Tournament is probably the most epic and awaited moment for each Hero Master Hero. It is nothing else than a sequence of fights: the winner of the last one will be declared the winner of the Tournament. The formula is a direct elimination rule: who loses is out, who wins goes on. Each round the most powerful hero fights the least powerful one, while the second most powerful fights the second least powerful one and so on. Pay attention that this doesn't mean that the most powerful will win for sure: sometimes chosing a wrong skill, or having a low health, will result in a big loss even for the most powerful hero of the universe. Since the tournament uses a direct elimination formula, this means that in the regular tournament only a number of heroes equal to a power of 2 can enter. If the number of partipants doesn't fit, a preliminary round will be drawn to ensure that the right number of heroes will proceed to the main part of the tournament. Example: in a tournament with 19 partipants, the top 13 will be admitted straightaway to the first round of the main part, while the bottom 6 will fight each other in the preliminary round to select the 3 that will join the others in the first round, to get a perfect number of 16 participant. From the start date of a Tournament, the rounds will take place every three days, in keeping with regular fights, including the eventual preliminary round. During the tournament you can at the same time participate in training fights and this is the only wat that you can have two fights scheduled at once. But it might not be a good idea to have training fights during the important Hero Master Tournament, causing you to lose health, although you would gain power. When the Tournament is over and the Champion Hero proclaimed, all the skills of all the heroes will be reset and the preparation for the next Tournament will start. << The Missions
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