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Total Heroes: 300
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(July 10, 2023, 01:32:51 am)
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Guests: 18
Total Heroes: 18


Taisedik Male Offline

Motto : WOF!

Trophies :


Auto accept challenges : Yes
Show fights of this hero.
Show all the missions of this hero.

Fan club : 2

Glory : 1

Total value of skills : 16

Experience : 0

Orientation : Neutral
World salvage
Training course

Improves by 20% the training results.

Energetic pill

Powers up in fight by 50% against opponents of opposite orientation (doesn't work for or against neutrals).

Magic belt

Halfens the weight of negative special events for element in fight.


Improves your look making the fans happier.

Magic potion

Doubles power in fight.

Energetic pill

Powers up in fight by 50% against opponents of opposite orientation (doesn't work for or against neutrals).

Magic potion

Doubles power in fight.

Magic potion

Doubles power in fight.

Magic potion

Doubles power in fight.

You cannot see the Skills are this Hero because you have not enough knowledge of Base tactics.