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Alakhay alGabriel

Date of the fight : 2013-03-03

Fight type : Tournament Tournament


The fans of Alakhay are giving a huge support to him, compared to the opponent. Alakhay seems very invigorated by this!

The not perfect knowledge of his Offensive skill is causing big problems to Alakhay: he's not able to use it at its maximum power.

The not perfect knowledge of his Defensive skill is causing big problems to Alakhay: he's not able to use it at its maximum power.

Offensive skill
Defensive skill
Defensive skill
Offensive skill
General skill value : 99.99%
General skill value : 0.01%

Overall result

Alakhay : 99.91%
alGabriel : 0.09%

Alakhay is declared the winner!

Because he was way too strong for his opponent, Alakhay got no experience from this fight.