FightDate of the fight : 2013-04-14 Fight type : Tournament The not perfect knowledge of his Offensive skill is causing big problems to Alakhay: he's not able to use it at its maximum power. The Offensive skill used by Alakhay is having a small advantage over the Defensive skill used by the opponent, due of the different element. The not perfect knowledge of his Defensive skill is causing big problems to Alakhay: he's not able to use it at its maximum power. The Defensive skill used by Alakhay is having a small advantage over the Offensive skill used by the opponent, due of the different element.
Offensive skill
Defensive skill
Defensive skill
Offensive skill
General skill value : 95.38% General skill value : 4.62%
Overall result
Alakhay is declared the winner! Because he was way too strong for his opponent, Alakhay got no experience from this fight.