FightDate of the fight : 2013-10-09 Fight type : Tournament The fans of IperTrofico are giving a huge support to him, compared to the opponent. IperTrofico seems very invigorated by this! The Defensive skill used by Superfish is having a large advantage over the Offensive skill of the opponent, due to the element difference. Luckily for IperTrofico, his Magic Belt reduces the negative effects. The Offensive skill used by Superfish is having a large advantage over the Defensive skill of the opponent, due to the element difference. Luckily for IperTrofico, his Magic Belt reduces the negative effects.
Offensive skill
Defensive skill
Defensive skill
Offensive skill
General skill value : 90.80% General skill value : 9.20%
Because he was way too strong for his opponent, IperTrofico got no experience from this fight. Total power expressed in this fight