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Antigone go-master

Date of the fight : 2013-11-11

Fight type : Tournament Tournament


The Defensive skill used by go-master is having a small advantage over the Offensive skill used by the opponent, due of the different element.

The Offensive skill used by go-master is having a small advantage over the Defensive skill used by the opponent, due of the different element.

go-master silently drinks a Magic potion: he seems much more powerful than before!

Offensive skill
Defensive skill
Defensive skill
Offensive skill
General skill value : 65.72%
General skill value : 34.28%

Overall result

Antigone : 73.37%
go-master : 26.63%

Antigone is declared the winner!

Total power expressed in this fight

Antigone [669 126] : 70.66%
go-master [277 806] : 29.34%