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IperTrofico Taisedik

Date of the fight : 2013-11-11

Fight type : Tournament Tournament


The Defensive skill used by Taisedik is having a small advantage over the Offensive skill used by the opponent, due of the different element. Luckily for IperTrofico, his Magic Belt reduces the negative effects.

The Offensive skill used by Taisedik is having a small advantage over the Defensive skill used by the opponent, due of the different element. Luckily for IperTrofico, his Magic Belt reduces the negative effects.

IperTrofico silently drinks a Magic potion: he seems much more powerful than before!

Taisedik silently drinks a Magic potion: he seems much more powerful than before!

Offensive skill
Defensive skill

Fire attack : 42.08%

Sun : 57.92%
Defensive skill
Offensive skill
Sun : 71.59%
General skill value : 52.28%
General skill value : 47.72%

Overall result

IperTrofico : 42.06%

Taisedik : 57.94%

Taisedik is declared the winner!

This was a very close fight! People passion for Taisedik is growing so much that everybody's asking him an autograph.

Total power expressed in this fight

IperTrofico [852 849] : 48.28%

Taisedik [913 555] : 51.72%